I’m not the kind of fellow that’s kept up with modern technology. I’m able to use a computer to do basic functions, but nothing too wild and crazy. When VR started becoming more mainstream I decided to give it a whirl. I went and got a headset and played a few games. Sure it was neat, but it wasn’t a life-changing experience. Then I had a buddy tell me it had been applied to porn. Now that was something that I needed to check out. I started looking for new VR porn deals and found out I could use this POVR discount for 61% off. Let’s just say it was an offer too good for me to resist.
This is without a doubt the best use of Virtual Reality. Rather than simply watching porn, you’re now able to experience it. POVR brings you all the best videos from all your favorite studios. This massive amount of content is neatly sorted into categories so you’ll be able to quickly land on exactly what you’re craving at the moment. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I strongly suggest you do so, but make it quick so you can cash in on this deal.